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Model Answers for IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Topic: Dancing

1. Do you like dancing? (Why/ Why not?)
(Answer) Well, I enjoy dancing and I regard myself as a good dancer.
(Give a reason for your answer) Whenever I go out to dance, all my worries somehow magically disappear into thin air. Dance transfers me to a completely different world, a world filled with soft music. Sometimes when I am sad, or anxious, I express myself with some subtle spontaneous moves in my locked room.

2. Have you ever learned to dance?
(Answer) Actually, I have not, but I would love to learn how to dance in the future. (Give a reason for your answer) I did learn some basic steps and movements and some dynamics as well from tutorials. I think to dance professionally, you need a lot of training, a good teacher and some creativity in using and combining what you learnt.

3. When was the last time you danced?
(Answer) The very last time I danced was just a few days back. I had no specific reason to dance. Maybe it’s my way of expressing so many emotions that I hold back because I can’t show them in front of people.

4. What kind of dancing do people in your country like?
(Answer) Well, there are many kinds of dancing people enjoy. (Give a reason for your answer) Young people love to dance free style and hip-hop in clubs, the same as young people in the West. I also see people perform a lot of traditional dances in festivals in many places of my country, which is part of our
cultural identity.

5. Why do you think some (or many) people like dancing?
(Answer) There are the obvious answers. (Give a reason for your answer) We dance for physical fitness. We dance for mental clarity. We dance for emotional stability, and other such pluses. Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we feel over new found love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the passionate fire of our youth and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years.

6. Do you think there are many benefits for young people to go dancing?
(Answer) Yes, of course. (Give a reason for your answer) Dance is a great, fun way to get youngsters away from the screen into an environment where they can exercise that isn’t actually a sport. Therefore, dancing has become such a popular way among the young to be active and keep fit, and most fitness clubs now offer dance classes in their group exercise programs.


1. transfer [v]: to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person, or group to another
Eg: We were transferred from one bus into another.
2. spontaneous [adj]: happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced
Eg: His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.
3. tutorial [n]: a period of study with a tutor and a small group of students
Eg: Students only have 8 hours of tutorials a week.
4. professionally [adv]: by people with particular skills or qualifications
Eg: I think next time we need any decorating we’ll get it done professionally.
5. hold back [v]: to not do something, often because of fear or because you do not want to make a bad situation worse
Eg: He held back, terrified of going into the dark room.
6. cultural identity [expression]: cultural identity is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group
Eg: Cultural identity is a rich tapesty of an individual’s life experiences, race, nationality, heritage, beliefs, language, customs and worldview.
7. stability [n]: a situation in which something is not likely to move or change
Eg: Greater international stability can surely only be to the good.
8. insufficient [adj]: not enough
Eg: There was insufficient money to fund the project.
9. adversity [n]: a difficult or unlucky situation or event
Eg: She was always cheerful in adversity.
10. keep fit [expression]: do physical exercises to keep your body healthy
Eg: There are many ways to keep fit for young people

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