IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic:
Describe a person who helps to protect the environment
Who this person is
How this person protects the environment
What difficulties this person has faced
How you feel about this person
One of the most inspiring millennials to me was Ms.Marie, who has been an active campaigner for environmental issues, particularly wildlife conservation. I first found out about her via her viral photo album called “100 little things I do for Earth in 100 days”, which showcased easy-to-follow habits for to help to preserve the environment. The album has raised public awareness about the impacts of our everyday decisions on the environment, and empowered Vietnamese young people to pursue a greener lifestyle.
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Marie has chosen to practice environmental protection via research, which involves long field trips to tropical forests or natural conservation areas. As a result, she has conducted multiple wildlife projects in many parts of the world like South Africa. Furthermore, she also acts as an ambassador for the United for Wildlife Fund of the British Royal Family. In addition, all the proceeds from her newly published
book “Back to the Wild” have been donated to wildlife protection campaigns in my country.
As a female wildlife conservationist, she has encountered a myriad of challenges. Since her work consists of long expeditions to high-risk areas, her problems vary from struggling to staying hygienic and dealing with offenders. She has also met strong opposition from her family when pursuing this highly dangerous path. However, she has managed to overcome all those obstacles thanks to her great passion for environmental protection.
I think Marie is admirable because she dares to realize her dream despite incredible hardship. Her determination and courage have taught me that my actions matter, and I am inspired to keep learning and contributing to a better world.
1. Millennials: a person who was born in the 1980s, 1990s, or early 2000s
Millennials have grown up with the internet.
2. raised public awareness: help spread knowledge and understanding of a particular activity
The guidelines are an important tool for raising awareness about the environment.
3. pursue a greener lifestyle: follow a greener lifestyle
I decided to pursue a greener lifestyle after learning about the impacts of everyday actions on the environment.
4. Ambassador: a person who represents a particular organization, group of people, activity, etc.
She was an ambassador for our company because she was really caring.
5. Proceeds: the amount of money received from a particular event or activity or when something is sold:
The proceeds of today’s festival will go to several local charities.
6. a myriad of: a very large number of something:
a myriad of choices
7. opposition: strong disagreement:
There is a lot of opposition to the proposed changes.
Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?
Definitely yes. Preserving the environment is of great importance because it ensures the growth of future generations. Therefore, I think it should be incorporated in all school curriculums. In addition, students spend a great deal of time at school. This gives teachers various chances to raise their students’ awareness of environmental issues.
How can people protect the environment?
There are multiple ways by which we can better protect our environment. Firstly, we can adopt a green lifestyle by using environmentally friendly products to reduce toxic waste accumulation. In addition, wildlife is greatly endangered due to illegal hunting. For example, numerous rhinos have been killed for their horns because of a false belief that they can cure diseases. This problem can be tackled through education and speaking up to prevent such actions.
What is the importance of environmental education?
In order to pursue sustainable development goals, we must educate students about the environment. This helps raise young people’s awareness of worldwide issues that affect humankind, such as global warming or ecological imbalance. When the connection between human actions and the environment are well understood, students will become more mindful in their everyday decisions. For example, they will consume more green products or promote a green lifestyle. This not only contributes to a cleaner environment but also eventually benefits our society and the future generations’ wellbeing.
Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?
Absolutely. Making environmental protection a compulsory subject means emphasizing the importance of sustainability and showing students that we care about the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren. This will definitely have a strong influence on the young generation as they may be inclined to conserve the environment if it is deemed important.