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Sample Answer for IELTS Cue Card 42: Describe a friend who is good at his or her job

IELTS Cue Card 42 Describe a friend who is good at his or her job testieltsonline

IELTS Cue Card 42 Describe a friend who is good at his or her job testieltsonline

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a friend who is good at his or her job

You should say:

Sample Answer Band 8

Some people stand out (to be much better than other similar things or people) than others in every field. My cousin is this kind of person.
She is an English teacher in a famous education centre in close proximity to (=near) my house. When she was in high school, she used to be bad at math, but she never got disheartened (having lost confidence, energy and hope). She graduated in English Literature and pursued a higher education to get a Master Degree. She later finished her research and is now a visiting Professor (a professor on a short-term contract to teach at an university or college) at a famous university in the USA. She has got bright chances to settle down (to start to live in a place where you intend to stay for a long time) there. Besides, she has played an important role (to be involved in something) in founding (=set up) a language lab at her college. She has also come to many colleges within my country and gained immense (extremely large in degree or size) knowledge on the methodology (method and principle) of the study of the English Language.
She is also well-known among the student community in her college. What makes them admire her is that she dedicates her time to teaching (to spend your time doing something) people who struggle to learn the new language like English. She conducts phonetics classes for those who are interested in improving their English.  She also teaches English to the  underprivileged (=having less money, education, etc) voluntarily without any fee. That’s why I really admire her.

Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Describe a friend who is good at his or her job

Stand out (verb) – to be much better than other similar things or people

in close proximity to sth – near, close to sth

Visiting Professor (noun) – a professor on a short-term contract to teach at an university or college

settle down – to start to live in a place where you intend to stay for a long time

Play an important role/ part in something  – to be involved in something, especially sth special)

immense (adj) – extremely large in degree or size

methodology (noun) – method and principle

the underprivileged = having less money, education, etc


IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions (Discussion)

How should new workers perform in their first jobs?

New workers should definitely work hard regardless of (despite) any industry they work in. They should have a set of skills like patience, listening skill, communication skill, etc. On top of that (besides), they must be punctual. Nowadays, both small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and big corporations use smart cards to detect (= notice) whether their employees are on time or not and how many hours a person works per day. New employees should ensure that they don’t default (to fail to do something) in all these areas. They should also be diligent (careful and using a lot of effort) in their work. These qualities will help them to move up their career ladder down the road (in the future).

How can workers improve their work performance?

Workers must continuously upskill (to learn new skills) themselves. They should also attend various training sessions related to their field to enhance their productivity (the rate at which a person does useful work) at work. For example, software engineer must attend more training courses and seminars in order to improve their skill and broaden their knowledge about this field. This will definitely have a positive effect on their work performance, followed by a success in their career in the future.

What jobs are well paid in your country?

As far as I am concerned (in a particular person’s opinion), people working in IT and banking sectors are the most well-paid ones. Nurses and teachers also receive a good salary and compensation package (total payment and benefits that an employee receives for doing their job).  The advertising and marketing are also booming (very popular) and used all over the place (in many places), so I think they might have lucrative income as well.


Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Part 3 (Discussion)

regardless of (despite)

On top of that (besides)

default (to fail to do something)

diligent (careful and using a lot of effort)

down the road (in the future)

upskill (to learn new skills)

productivity (the rate at which a person does useful work)

As far as I am concerned (in a particular person’s opinion)

compensation package (total payment and benefits that an employee receives for doing their job)

all over the place (in many places)


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