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Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school

Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school

You should say:

What the skill was.

How you learned it.

Who taught you.

And why it was useful to you.


One of the useful skills that I learned in primary school is mental calculation, especially being trained to memorize multiplication table. The faster speed to reach the final result of calculation has brought me much convenience. For example, when I need to make the payment during shopping, I do not need to take the calculator with me everywhere and sometimes, I can even help others to calculate faster. I believe the ability of mental calculation will benefit me all through my life and in every aspect of my life. Another skill that I find beneficial is drawing cubes, which is the skill I learned in high school. This skill helps me transfer three-dimensional object into two dimensional ones and makes the analysis of two dimensional things in life more efficiently. In terms of how I learned them, I must thank my math teachers in primary school and high school. It was they that guided me to take the command of those two skills of great use. I learned then through much practice and some guided training. The reasons why they are useful are various while in a word, I would say they make my life much easier and more convenient. In the future, I will definitely encourage my children to learn the useful math skills.


IELTS Speaking Part 3 

1) Can computers help us in math areas?

Absolutely. As we all know, it is a digital era and there is nothing can be separated with computer and Internet, math included. For example, the computer can do calculation faster and better, which solves the problem of calculation in math area. Also, the computer can draw better and more precise pictures, which helps better solve the math problems in geometry. Also, nowadays, the virtual reality is becoming more and more popular and I think it may also help people in math. For example, if people cannot think clearly about how many facets are in a geometry, the computers can makẹ people feel that they really see the panorama of the objects and therefore can better solve the relevant math problems.

2) What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?

I think there are various methods that can be applied to make math more interesting. For example, the teachers can design more games for students to discover the secret and the beauty of math. Also, I think through drawing, students will become more interested in geometry. Another way is that the teachers can encourage the students to walk into nature to find out the relevant math knowledge in nature as we all know that all the human knowledge comes from mature and therefore, it is a good way for people to come back to the original point to learn math.

3) How do you use math in your daily life?

I would say there are many aspects in life that are relevant with the application of math. For example, from the logic we learn from math, I know how to do a deductive work and only when there is valid evidence can we draw the conclusion. A conclusion does not come from nowhere, so I do not tend to rush to a conclusion without analyzing and I gradually realize the importance to critical thinking. When others inform me of some information, I will think in my own way, the way that I learned from math class. Also, the logic I learned from math classes can help me in argumentative writing because I know that with every topic sentence and the concluding sentence, there must be some supporting details underlying it.

4) Do you think everyone needs to learn math?

I think so. The biggest reason is that math teaches to better do calculation. The faster speed to reach the final result of calculation will bring people much convenience. For example, when someone needs to make the payment during shopping, they do not need to take the calculator with them everywhere and sometimes, they can even help others to calculate faster. I believe the ability of mental calculation will benefit everyone through their life and in every aspect of the life. Math also cultivates a way of thinking for people as it teaches us how to do logical thinking and how to deduce a result based on evidence, which I think is indispensable for everyone.

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