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Model Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Topic: Describe a person you would like to work or study with

Describe a person you would like to work or study with.

You should say:
– Who that is
– How you got to know each other
– What you want to work with her/him
– And explain why you want you work with her/him

Model Answer

(Who that is) Today, I would like to talk about a person with whom I am really interested in studying. This person, whose name is Emma, is one of the top performers in my class and is also one of my best college friends. Not only is Emma academically excellent, she is also a kind person who is open to everyone, which breaks down the stereotype that those who possess academic brilliance are arrogant.

(How you got to know each other) We got to know each other by chance. When just being enrolled in the university, we had an unofficial meeting with peers who took up residence in the school’s dormitory. Among a lot of people, we somehow were a lot closer to each other than to the remaining members of those attending the meeting that night. Afterwards, when the academic year kicked off, we went to school with each other every morning. As time goes by, we are even closer to each other.

(What you want to work with her/him) Emma and I are relatively different in terms of academic excellence. While I am confident with my knowledge about social sciences, Emma shows that she can top the class in terms of logic and statistics. I admire Emma because she can give in-depth and structured analyses when problems arise, which won her the title of master at problem-solving in the last leadership camp of my university.

(And explain why you want you work with her/him) Due to being logical and reasonable, as well as with her academic brilliance and openness to others, Emma is one of the most ideal people with whom anyone in this world would like to study with. In the first semester, we did not study with each other for exams. Yet, since the second semester, we have started to review with each other in the exam season, after which I could witness a significant change in my results.

1. Break down stereotype (phrase)
One way to break down stereotypes is to build knowledge.

2. By chance (adv)
He had met Mr Maude by chance.

3. Take up residence (phrase)
She took up residence in Canada.

4. Kick off (phrasal verb): start
Indonesia’s parliamentary election campaign kicked off at the weekend.

5. Go by (phrasal verb)
As time has gone by I have become less interested in going to nightclubs on the weekends.

6. Top (verb)
The song topped the charts (= sold the largest number of recordings) for five weeks.

7. In-depth (adj)
an in-depth analysis

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