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IELTS Part 1 Topic & Questions: Dictionary with Band 9 Model Answers

IELTS Part 1 Topic & Questions: Dictionary with Band 9 Model Answers

Do you use a dictionary?

(Answer) Yes, I do and I actually make use of dictionaries on a daily basis. (Give a reason for
your answer) As an English major student/ as someone who is preparing for a language test,
I’m sometimes bombarded with new lexical items, which entails my looking them up in a
dictionary to find their meaning.

Which kind of dictionary is useful?

(Answer) Even though dictionaries in general are an indispensable tool for language
learners, I have to admit that the digital versions are best for on-the-go purposes. (Give a
reason for your answer) Compared to the paper version which can be bulky and time-
consuming to look up, digital dictionaries appeal as a more feasible alternative. Carrying a heavy dictionary around is incompatible with our modem lifestyle

Do you think the dictionary is useful?

(Answer) My answer is a definite yes, I can’t imagine acquiring new languages without the
help of dictionaries. (Give a reason for your answer) It’s all too common for languages
learners to encounter words or phrases that are simply over their head; and when they do,
dictionaries are what they can turn to for support.

What are the benefits of using a dictionary for kids?

(Answer) Kids can gain a lot by using dictionaries. (Give a reason for your answer) First,
with a dictionary at hand, it is more likely that children will be more proactive at widening
their vocabulary range, as they can refer to it whenever they hear or read a new word.
Second, with electronic dictionaries in which the recorded pronunciations of words are
available, children can easily repeat after the audio for correct pronunciation, which is of
great benefit, especially for children learning a second language.

Is it important to look up words in dictionaries?

(Answer) I do believe it is essential that language learners look up the meaning of unfamiliar
words in dictionaries. (Give a reason for your answer) The reason is that not only do
dictionaries provide all the possible meanings of each word in different contexts, with
examples to illustrate, they also give the accurate pronunciation of those words for the
learners to mimic, which is extremely helpful if learners want to master the native accent.

Do you prefer an electronic dictionary or paper version?

(Answer) To be honest, I lean towards electronic dictionaries. (Give a reason for your
answer) As I was saying, paper dictionaries are overshadowed by electronic dictionaries in
terms of practicality and efficiency. Thus it is fair to say that the paper dictionary is becoming obsolete.




1.     to bombard someone with something

Meaning: to continually send someone something, esp. to inform or influence them.

Example: Every day it seems as if we are bombarded with e-mail messages warning of
computer viruses.


Traditional vs Modern

1.        to be incompatible with

Meaning: not able to exist with another thing (or person), because of important differences.
Example: Communicating all information by letter is incompatible with the demands of
modern business.



1.        to acquire a new language

Meaning: to be able to communicate in a new language as a result of your own efforts
Example: It takes many years of study to acquire a new language, so students have to be
very motivated to learn.


1.        to become obsolete

Meaning: to be no longer used because something new has been invented

Example: Technological innovation is now so rapid, that even the latest electronic devices

soon become obsolete.


Other new words

1.        to entail [verb]:

Meaning: to involve something that cannot be avoided
Example: Passing the IELTS exam entails many hours of studying.

2.         indispensable [adjective]:

Meaning: too important to be without

Example: Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives.

3.         on the go [expression]:

Meaning: busy and active all the time

Example: Like most working mothers, she is always on the go.

4.         bulky [adjective]:


Meaning: too big and taking up too much space

Example: When you use delivery services, bulky packages might cost more to mail.

5.        to be over one’s head [expression]:

Meaning: too difficult or strange for somebody to understand

Example: I tried to take in what he was saying about nuclear fusion, but most of it went over
my head.

6.         context [noun]:

Meaning: the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it
Example: In the context of the film, the romance between the two main characters did not fit
the story of the war.

7.         mimic [verb]:

Meaning: to copy the way in which a person speaks or moves
Example: She was mimicking the various people in our office as a joke.

8.         to lean towards

Meaning: to tend to support an idea or a proposal

Example: I lean towards studying online nowadays, because it is more convenient.

9.         to overshadow somebody /something [phrase]:

Meaning: to cause someone or something to seem less important

Example: Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder

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