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IELTS Cue Card 2 Sample Band 8+ (Sep – Dec 2021) – Describe an environment law

ielts cue card 2 band 8 sample

ielts cue card 2 band 8 sample

Describe an environment law

You should say:
what it is
how you first learned about it
who benefits from it
And explain how you feel about this law


I’m going to describe a regulation that has been put in effect in some big cities in my country, which is banning motorbike use in urban areas. As you know, there are a large number of private vehicles that emit plenty of exhaust fumes into the atmosphere, so authorities have done their best to reduce the air pollution and forbidding motorbike is a viable method.

Well, I came across this piece of legislation on the Internet while I was searching high and low for my research. I guess enforcing this law may offer great benefits to anyone in our society since the fewer motorbikes are the less contaminated our air is. More specifically, vehicles often send out fine dusts which cause respiratory diseases and might increase the risk of getting cancer for humans. 

In terms of my feeling, I am satisfied with this law because this contributes significantly to cleaning our air instead of smog blanketing the sky most of the time in megacities. However, I am concerned that the government must make lots of efforts to upgrade infrastructure like subway and road networks in order to make this law more effective.

Useful Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Part 2:

put in effect: To cause something to apply, to enforce something
exhaust fumes: gases ejected from an engine as waste products
able to be done, or worth doing
come across:
to find something by chance
a law, or a set of laws
search high and low:
to search very thoroughly
to make sure that something happens or is done
make something dirty, polluted, or poisonous
send out:
allow a substance such as chemicals or smoke to escape into the atmosphere
relating to the process of breathing air in and out
cover something with a layer of something 
a very largecity, with a population of at least 10 million

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